Are your interests as a United States stakeholder represented in ISO standards for Implants for Surgery?
U.S. Stakeholders are officially coordinated and represented in the ISO Technical Committee (TC) 150 work through the ANSI/ASTM TAG to ISO/TC 150 (hereinafter referred to as the TAG). To fulfill this mission, the TAG is led by selected volunteers who represent the U.S. interests together with other members of ANSI, AAMI and ASTM International. ISO/TC 150 annual meetings are held in different countries every year. The US participates through an official delegation led by selected individuals from the TAG. The main mission of the TAG is dissemination, consultation, comment collection, discussions, and final synthesis, preparation and submitting of the US position on all ISO TC 150 ballots and other work relating to ISO standards on surgical implants. This website was created by the leaders of the ANSI/ASTM TAG to ISO/TC 150 to help explain our mission to all stakeholders. The last item on the menu is a password protected link for the TAG leaders only to handle the online management and workflow of all items dealt with by the TAG.
Find out who our leaders areBackground

Our mission and accomplishments
- With support from US stakeholders like you, the TAG’s recent successes include:
- Hosting a very successful US meeting in 2018 in San Diego. More than 100 US delegates participated for the benefit of their organizations
- Reforming the TAG procedures to more widely disseminate information and consult stakeholders on ISO standards work
- Starting a concerted effort to reduce duplication between ISO and ASTM standards and harmonize conflicting versions which are a burden to US stakeholders
- Actively influenced ISO standards on behalf of US stakeholders.